"White Rose"
Behind The Name
The White Rose (Die Weisse Rose) was a nonviolent anti-Nazi resistance group comprised primarily of German medical students. They wrote and distributed leaflets condemning the atrocities of Hitler’s regime until their execution in 1943. The youngest member and only woman, Sophie Scholl, was merely 21 years old when she was sentenced to death for treason. Despite her youth, Sophie faced her fate with great courage, declaring at her trial, “Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don’t dare express themselves as we did.”
No one knows for sure why the group chose to call themselves The White Rose. However, given that white roses represent love, commitment, and new beginnings, the name seems fitting for their cause—as well as for my incipient direct primary care telemedicine practice. I love my patients; I am committed to delivering comprehensive care; and I embrace the opportunity to start anew in a practice model that empowers patients and physicians alike.
Additionally, white roses have traditionally adorned the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. As a veteran myself, I salute the sacrifices my fellow veterans have made so that others may live. Like Sophie Scholl and The White Rose, the Unknown Soldier paid the ultimate price. May my practice honor the legacy of valiant freedom fighters everywhere, especially those whose names and stories have been lost to time.
"White Rose"
Behind The Name
The White Rose (Die Weisse Rose) was a nonviolent anti-Nazi resistance group comprised primarily of German medical students. They wrote and distributed leaflets condemning the atrocities of Hitler’s regime until their execution in 1943. The youngest member and only woman, Sophie Scholl, was merely 21 years old when she was sentenced to death for treason. Despite her youth, Sophie faced her fate with great courage, declaring at her trial, “Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don’t dare express themselves as we did.”
No one knows for sure why the group chose to call themselves The White Rose. However, given that white roses represent love, commitment, and new beginnings, the name seems fitting for their cause—as well as for my incipient direct primary care telemedicine practice. I love my patients; I am committed to delivering comprehensive care; and I embrace the opportunity to start anew in a practice model that empowers patients and physicians alike.
Additionally, white roses have traditionally adorned the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. As a veteran myself, I salute the sacrifices my fellow veterans have made so that others may live. Like Sophie Scholl and The White Rose, the Unknown Soldier paid the ultimate price. May my practice honor the legacy of valiant freedom fighters everywhere, especially those whose names and stories have been lost to time.